Customer testimonials

Our customers benefit in different ways from our expertise and competence. Find out why do the leading companies trust us.

TEVA, Israel

World map, Israel
“The most significant improvement that has resulted from our work with Rütten is the possibility to make a a preparation of small scale and high viscosity in minimum volume to mix.”

“We selected Rütten because their products are in high quality, meet to our request and are suitable for working in cleanroom thru autoclaves.”

Shimon Mimran, Associate Director, TEVA Israel

Inventprise, India

World map, India
“We wanted to see on how to establish a working equipment for our homogenizing a product with oil. Unhesitatingly Michael came forward to carry out work at his place. All the equipment was functionally excellent and extremely satisfying from regulatory requirement. Having had an excellent experience and the eager to help attitude I have recommended Rütten products to all my colleagues as they are excellent, reliable and are supplied in time.”

Dr. Subhash Kapre, CEO, Inventprise India

Takeda, USA

World map, USA
“Rütten has pure excellence to produce equipment that is functional, easy to work with and clean.”

“Our global facilities utilize Rütten equipment, especially mixing tanks to support superior mixing and maintaining suspension product uniformity.”

“Wyeth Vaccines and Pfizer along with CMO Baxter have received significant benefit from purchasing for both development and commercial manufacture Rutten blending, mixing and transfer equipment. We have purchased large quantities of 50L tanks on the commercial scale as well as smaller scale equipment for Takeda Vaccines laboratories in USA.”

Ronald Malone, Takeda, USA

Baxter Healthcare Corporation, USA

World map, USA
“We have used Rütten pressure vessels for many years with a high degree of success.  We use them as product supply vessels for our filling machines in our aseptic filling suites. The vessels are durable, withstand multiple autoclave sterilization cycles, are easily cleaned following batch activities, and provides a much safer setup than glass alternatives.”

“Michael Rütten has and continues to be one of the most accommodating and responsive vendors that we work with.  He brings a lot of industry experience to the table and routinely works with us to provide custom solutions. We appreciate his willingness to offer these solutions and items not listed on a brochure.  Overall, we are fortunate to have such a customer and quality-oriented vendor.”

Jon Underwood, Project Manager, BioPharma Solutions, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, USA